Rainbow Pride – Together In Our First Parade | Rainbow Pride… | Flickr

Rainbow Pride - Together In Our First Parade

Rainbow Pride – Together In Our First Parade by Theon Kleithyan (2024)

At a time when hate speech against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) community is increasing throughout the world, but mainly in Europe and including in Portugal by far-right and xenophobic parties, we decided to carry out this series of works to Praise the courage of the Gay community who struggles every day against intolerance and homophobia!

Numa altura em que aumenta o discurso de ódio contra a comunidade lésbica, gay, bissexual, trans e intersexo (LGBTI) em todo o Mundo mas principalmente na Europa e incluído em Portugal por partidos de extrema direita e xenófobos resolvemos realizar esta série de trabalhos para elogiar a coragem com que a comunidade Gay se debate todos os dias contra a intolerância e a homofobia !

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